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野高健司 | Kenji Nodaka



日本山岳ガイド協会公認登山ガイド : 登山ガイドⅡ・スキーガイドⅠ



"SOW" has multiple meanings. Most of all, I have been impressed with "The Sense of Wonder", the book written by Rachel Louise Carson. I firmly believe that the joy and emotion that we experience in nature is the purest and the most genuine feeling of human being. Secondly, SOW or 爽 means freshness in the Japanese language. I always wish that guests would get refreshed with an outdoor experience and I myself would always live a peaceful and refreshing life. Thirdly and finally, "sow" (sowing) literally means "seed" (seeding) or "plant" (planting). As a farmer as well as a mountain guide, I always try to have the utmost appreciation for nature and share that feeling and attitude with guests.

An Official Guide of Japan Mountain Guide Association : Trekking Guide Ⅱ & Ski Guide Ⅰ

Having a wide range of experiences and activities including skimo, alpine climbing and expeditions

Climbing the Tibetan Himalaya Shishapangma (8012m)

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